Colebrook Pump Station Replacement

Surrey, British Columbia
The Colebrook Pump Station (PS) Upgrade Project includes the replacement of the existing PS which is approaching the end of its service life. The PS is located in the City of Surrey on Peacock Brook east of the Burlington Northern Santa Fe Railway crossing of the Serpentine River and Mud Bay Park and to the south of Highway 99 in Surrey.
The existing PS is designed to control Peacock Brook flood levels and discharge into the Serpentine River via three one-way pump discharge pipes (only two pumps are currently operational). Flap gates control flow at the point of discharge to the river from both Peacock Brook and a 1.6 km section of the dike ditch network located on the landside of the Colebrook dike. Land use within and adjacent to the PS to the west, east, and north of the PS is within the Agricultural Land Reserve.
Upgrades to the PS are included as part of the City of Surrey Disaster Mitigation and Adaptation Fund (DMAF) program. The PS replacement and the DMAF are part of a comprehensive Coastal Flood Adaptation Strategy planned to reduce Surrey’s vulnerability to coastal flooding and sea level rise.
The Project is being completed on behalf of the City of Surrey (the City) with engineering support from Urban Systems Ltd. (USL) and environmental support from Stantec Consulting Ltd. (Stantec).
Scope Items
  • Installation of temporary sheet pile walls around the pump discharge outlets within the Serpentine River and around the existing pump station (between the pump station and floodbox intake structures).
  • A temporary (estimated 32 weeks) bypass system which reuses the existing pumps set in the existing floodbox intake structure.
  • Construction of a new wet well structure, building, and discharge piping within the Peacock Brook PS forebay, through the dike, and within the Serpentine River.
  • Replacement of the discharge piping.
  • Site grading and surface restoration work, including new rip rap and outfall on the Peacock Brook embankment and new rip rap and fill material on the Serpentine River side.
  • Supply and installation of pumps and motors, electrical equipment and miscellaneous metals.
  • Civil works include excavation, pipe and sheet pile driving, cast-in-place structural concrete, and installation of HDPE discharge lines and headwalls.

Colebrook Pump Station Replacement

Surrey, British Columbia
The Colebrook Pump Station (PS) Upgrade Project includes the replacement of the existing PS which is approaching the end of its service life. The PS is located in the City of Surrey on Peacock Brook east of the Burlington Northern Santa Fe Railway crossing of the Serpentine River and Mud Bay Park and to the south of Highway 99 in Surrey.
The existing PS is designed to control Peacock Brook flood levels and discharge into the Serpentine River via three one-way pump discharge pipes (only two pumps are currently operational). Flap gates control flow at the point of discharge to the river from both Peacock Brook and a 1.6 km section of the dike ditch network located on the landside of the Colebrook dike. Land use within and adjacent to the PS to the west, east, and north of the PS is within the Agricultural Land Reserve.
Upgrades to the PS are included as part of the City of Surrey Disaster Mitigation and Adaptation Fund (DMAF) program. The PS replacement and the DMAF are part of a comprehensive Coastal Flood Adaptation Strategy planned to reduce Surrey’s vulnerability to coastal flooding and sea level rise.
The Project is being completed on behalf of the City of Surrey (the City) with engineering support from Urban Systems Ltd. (USL) and environmental support from Stantec Consulting Ltd. (Stantec).
Scope Items
  • Installation of temporary sheet pile walls around the pump discharge outlets within the Serpentine River and around the existing pump station (between the pump station and floodbox intake structures).
  • A temporary (estimated 32 weeks) bypass system which reuses the existing pumps set in the existing floodbox intake structure.
  • Construction of a new wet well structure, building, and discharge piping within the Peacock Brook PS forebay, through the dike, and within the Serpentine River.
  • Replacement of the discharge piping.
  • Site grading and surface restoration work, including new rip rap and outfall on the Peacock Brook embankment and new rip rap and fill material on the Serpentine River side.
  • Supply and installation of pumps and motors, electrical equipment and miscellaneous metals.
  • Civil works include excavation, pipe and sheet pile driving, cast-in-place structural concrete, and installation of HDPE discharge lines and headwalls.